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"Giving African American males positive labels to wear."

 #LabelHim is a movement created by Gina Victoria, a mother of a young black male.  After seeing and hearing of situations of systematic racism towards black men throughout the United States as well as experiencing racism in her own suburban neighborhood, she felt compelled to be the voice of her son and other black boys who too often are victims of negative stereotypes. Gina felt compelled to bear the responsibility of helping to eliminate the negative labels associated with dark skin and replace with more positive labels. These positive labels are meant to remove the glass ceilings often placed in urban communities and uplift young black males and inspire them to be whatever greatness their mind can create.

#LabelHim focus is to speak life into our black youth.  To display that we can be anything we aspire to be despite what labels society placed on us. It is our hope the hashtag #LabelHim will replace the negative connotations that are associated with black men.

They are future physicians, educators, fathers, community leaders and mentors. They are our future generation.

Let us come together and #labelhim